PIRS - Correspondence Management

PIRS collects all the mails, documents and process information and structures them together in one single place.

All the project members can see anytime and anywhere what has been done, what needs to be done and what the next steps are.


Mail flood under control

PIRS is 100% integrated into your email system (Outlook, Gmail etc.) and enables a targeted exchange of information from your system into a central, collaborative database – while being legally compliant and secured. So you and your team can manage all correspondence in one place within a familiar interface!

  • One place for all project communication
  • Familiar Outlook-like interface
  • Drag & drop correspondence and share with the team
  • Email adjustments are kept centrally in your inbox
  • Fast implementation
  • Legally compliant and secured email storage

A transparent and collaborative platform for the whole team

PIRS grants a secured access for all team members to the project email folder. The team benefits also from its own chat for each flow to exchange ideas, ask questions and assign tasks.

  • Easily share emails with everyone on your team or depending on each person's role
  • Team chat for further exchange
  • Select access rights according to roles

Powerful search and organization features

The PIRS architecture offers powerful email searching and organizing features similar to those Google Search uses. Thanks to efficient full-text search (also within stored files), tags, favorites and intelligent filters, PIRS helps you find exactly the project information you were looking for. You get an overview of the project current details as well as past communication of team members, even dating back years.

  • Keep an eye on all project incoming or outgoing correspondances, not only your own mailbox
  • Tag emails and message history or mark them as favorite
  • Create intelligent search filters, combine them and save them in a new overview
  • More power for full-text searches thanks to a relational database

Good morning! Let’s start straight away

Get an overview of the entire project in seconds. All search and organization functions can be used in the PIRS widgets and saved as filter combinations. This way you can design your own dashboard, tailored to your individual needs.

  • All project members have access to an overview of all marked and important emails, whereas each dashboard is customizable
  • Project-specific dashboards are stored when setting up the project and can be individually adapted by each user
  • Project managers create new views visible to the team by saving filter combinations

 Manage project correspondence with agility thanks to PIRS

PIRS integriert sich einfach und schnell in Outlook & andere Emailsysteme.


PIRS is integrated easily and quickly into Outlook & other email systems.

Alle Teammitglieder sehen die gesamte relevante Projektkommunikation an einem Ort.


All team members see all relevant project communication in one place, no matter who is on holidays or has left the company.

Jeder Emailverlauf erhält einen eigenen Chat zur Abstimmung im Team.


Easily track correspondence in-and-outs, show and hide content including attachments if necessary. Comments in the emails make coordination within the team easier.

Nutzer finden Emails in Sekunden dank treffsicherer Volltextsuche. Filter, Tags & Favoriten.


Users can find emails in seconds thanks to accurate full-text searches, filters, tags & favorites.

PIRS Korrespondenzmanagement – Automatisierung


Automatic Filing System (AFS) automates email filing.

PIRS Korrespondenzmanagement – Individualität


Widgets & dashboards are customizable individually, columns can be hidden, shown, re-organized and stored.

Plan an Online-Demo!

Contact us to organize an online demontration of PIRS with our experts. You will get first-hand information and  answers to your many questions.


PIRS Online-Demo

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