PIRS:Claim – Software Platform

Manage change in your Projects

With PIRS:Claim you keep track of the projects processes and deviations. Changes and their consequences are recognized quickly so that you can react in a timely and appropriate manner.


5 reasons which Customers choose PIRS:Claim!

Simple Traceability and Evaluate Events

Delays, Change Requests, Deviations - are quickly recorded as an event and evaluated.

Complete Documentation

Complete Chain of Evidence documented in PIRS leads to a comprehensive Documentation over the course of the Project.

Transparent Approval Processes

Flexible workflows for checking and approving the costs related to change orders, claims, defects, etc., which were initiated by the internal project team, suppliers or customers. 

Efficient Claim Controlling

Events, Measures, follow-up costs, savings potential - everything at a glance in clear dashboards.

Quality Management

Early detection of costs and technical issues through reliable identification of Non-Conformances (NCRs).

Setup a PIRS:Claim Online Demo

Contact us now to setup an Online-Demo with our Experts. The PIRS:Claim Demo will give you an overview of the features, functionalities and show you the potential for improvement in your projects.


PIRS:Claim Online-Demo

PIRS:Claim – the Process


Triggers & Events

Sooner or later, changes or deviations occur in every project. A supplier delivers a product that does not meet the agreed specifications, bad weather delays a construction phase, the customer wants to adjust the plan. Events of this type are trigger events, i.e. they trigger the PIRS:Claim process. For example, PIRS:Claim distinguishes between:


Lessons Learned


No project runs perfectly. In other words: we learn something new in every project and could always have done something a little bit better. With Lesson Learned, you ensure that such insights are no longer lost, but are documented in a clearly structured manner. This lays the foundation for a sustainable learning culture in the company.


Central documentation of recurring mistakes or process deviations

Assessment and categorization of identified vulnerabilities

Record possible troubleshooting measures

Collection of ideas for process optimization

Improved risk forecasting in future projects

Would you like to get more Information or request a Demo ?
Please contact us.